Longwall Effects  



Longwall mining damage image of James Kinney Farmstead. This subsidence crack is located in the pasture/hayfield along Harts road. This picture shows Dave Clark, ODNR-DMR from Cambride, OH office (left) and Tom Pulay (right) also of ODNR-DMR local fleld man. They are looking at the coal company's "panel map" that shows the exact location of the panels that were mined under the area. They agreed that the 160 foot by 6 inch crack was from longwall mining and resulted from a cave in of the gate between two panels. One panel went through Christmas 2003 and the one tht went next to it in July 2004. The gate road is an underground road which is built between longwall panels for the transfer of coal, men and equipment during the mining process. This is the kind of proposed gate road described in OVCC's testimony for Dysart Woods that “would never cave in”. Two of these have caved in under Country Mile Farm property in the last year.


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